17 June - 11 July 2010 - Neither From Nor Towards - group show @ Pavilion of Art, Zagreb, Croatia
Website: http://www.e-flux.com/shows/view/8263
Details: The exhibition recalls not the structure or "intent" of the world fair exhibitions, but what is left of the ghosts of their proclaimed belief in mankind and its future. Situated in the historicist art pavilion, exchanged between Budapest and Zagreb at the turn of the last century, it reflects the relations of histories of architecture, photography and the ideology of exhibition with histories of power and subjugation, as well as the histories of past utopian and futurological visions, embodied in the promises of architecture and technology. It wonders if it is possible today, after an era of identity politics and fragmented narratives, to see the world "as a whole" and simultaneously question the very idea of the wholeness as one belonging to the Western imagination and ideas of modernity, progress and colonial equations.
Artists: Vahram Aghasyan, Ben Cain, Alex Cecchetti, Haris Epaminonda, Zachary Formwalt, Tina Gverovic, Eric Van Hove, Gregor Neuerer, Lisl Ponger, Olivia Plender, Marinella Senatore, Guido van der Werve.
Curator/organizer: Antonia Majaca / Ivana Bago (Institute for Duration, Location and Variables – DeLVe)
-publication in preparation-
October 7th to 24th Arctic Circle residency - International Territory of Spitsbergen, Arctic Circle
Website: www.thearcticcircle.org
Curator: The Farm Foundation for the Arts & Sciences, Inc.
October 29th to November 5th Danse l'Afrique danse ! 8èmes Rencontres Chorégraphiques de l'Afrique et de l'Océan Indien - Bamako, Mali
Website: http://fr.allafrica.com/stories/201007281003.html
Directed by Kettly Noel (Donko Seko)
November 2010 to January 2011 FOREIGN AFFAIRS - Museum of Ansembourg, Luxembourg
Website: http://www.virginiepierre.com/index.php?page=foreign-affairs
Curated by Bazart office
March - Where Do We Migrate To? - group show @ Center for Art and Visual Culture (UMBC), Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Website: www.umbc.edu
Details: The exhibition deals with psychological migration and looks at its topic as an existential condition. The idea is to move away from the political realm, to radically depoliticize its topic and to allow a more concise understanding. In short, the exhibit is looking at migration as a state of mind, a larger metaphor.
Artists: Vito Acconci, Blane De St. Croix, Andrea Geyer & Simon J. Ortiz, Isolla & Norzi, Ligorano/Reese, Adrian Piper, Raqs Media Collective, Eric Van Hove and Julika Rudelius.
Curator/organizer: Niels Van Tomme
April - ERforS 7 / residency + exhibition project, Douala, Cameroon
Website: www.enoughroomforspace.org
Artists: Stefaan Dheedene, Eric Van Hove, Paul Hendrikse, Marjolijn Dijkman, Maarten Vanden Eynde, Claudia Wegener, Blaise Bang, James Becket.
Curator/organizer: Marjolijn Dijkman
summer 2011 7th ARTour biennial Art contemporain et Patrimoine, La Louvière/Région du centre, Belgium
Website: www.ccrc.be/
Curator: Éric Claus / Laurent Courtens (ISELP)
March - urban scenography in Dakar, Senegal
Website: http://www.eternalnetwork.org/scenographiesurbaines
Details: ScU2 is an artist collective, who is currently developping the Urban Scénos process, whose main stake is to invent with artist collectives coming from so called "south" countries, creative process in the context of major cities all over the world.
Curator/organizer: François Duconseille et Jean-Christophe Lanquetin